
Date or time selecting, supports year/month/day/hour/minute/second custom selecting


import { DatePicker } from  'mand-mobile-next'

Vue.createApp().component(, DatePicker)

Code Examples


DatePicker Props

v-modelinitial selected dateDate/Arraynew Date()value is an Array including such as [23, 59, 59] when type is time or custom, otherwise value is a Date
typetype of selectionStringdatedate, time, datetime, custom
custom-typescustomized element contains 'yyyy', 'MM', 'dd', 'hh', 'mm', 'ss'Array-valid when type is custom
min-dateselectable min date(time)Date--
max-dateselectable max date(time)Date--
unit-textelement unit for text displayingArray['Year', 'Month', 'Day', 'Hour', 'Minute', 'Second']text-render for complex logic
text-rendercustomized option for text displayingFunction(typeFormat, column0Value, column1Value, ...): String-unit-text is invalid when using text-render, refer to Appendix
today-textdisplaying text of todayStringtodayuse & to take placeholder date, like &(today)
line-heightline height of optionsNumber45unit px
keep-indexkeep last stop position when the column data changesBooleanfalse-
is-viewinline-display in page, otherwise it shows as PopupBooleanfalse-
titletitle of date-pickerString--
describedescription of date-pickerString--
ok-textconfirmation textStringconfirm-
cancel-textcancellation textStringcancel-
mask-closablepicker will be closed when clicking maskStringtrue-

DatePicker Methods

getColumnValues(): columnsValue

Get all values of currently seleted items


columnsValuevalues of all selected items in the columnArray<{value, text, ...}>

DatePicker Events

@change(columnIndex, itemIndex, value)

Change selections of date picker

columnIndexchange the index of columnNumber
itemIndexchange the index of selected itemNumber
valuechange the value of selected itemObject: {value, text, ...}

Confirm the selection of date picker(only when is-view is false


Cancel date picker's selection (only when is-view is false


Show date picker (only when is-view is false


Hide date picker (only when is-view is false


  • columnData

const columnData = [
  // year
      text: '2017年', // display year text
      value: 2017, // display year value
      typeFormat: 'yyyy' // the type of date: yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm, ss
  // month
      text: '1月', // display month text
      value: 1, // display month value
      typeFormat: 'MM' // the type of date: yyyy, MM, dd, hh, mm, ss
  // day, hour, minute, second
  • textRender
  const MONTH_MAP = [

  const textRender = (
    typeFormat: string,
    columnValue: number
  ) => {
    if (typeFormat === 'MM') {
      return MONTH_MAP[columnValue - 1]