

import { Toast } from  'mand-mobile-next'

Toast.succeed('Good Job!')

this.$'hint') // Totally Import

Vue.createApp().component(, Toast) // Component Import


Code Examples


Toast Static Methods

Toast.create({content, icon, iconSvg, duration, position, hasMask, parentNode})

Dynamically create a toast

iconname of iconString-refer to Icon component for customized icons
iconSvguse svg iconBooleanfalse-
contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber3000-
positiondisplay positionStringcentertop/center/bottom
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-, duration, hasMask, parentNode)

Dynamically create a text toast

contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber3000-
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-
Toast.succeed(content, duration, hasMask, parentNode)

Dynamically create a success toast

contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber3000-
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-
Toast.failed(content, duration, hasMask, parentNode)

Dynamically create a failed toast

contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber3000-
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-
Toast.loading(content, duration, hasMask, parentNode)

Dynamically create a loading toast

contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber0-
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-

Hide current toast

Toast.component Props

iconname of iconString-refer to Icon component for customized icons
iconSvguse svg iconBooleanfalse-
contentcontent of messageString/Number--
durationtoast will be closed in milliseconds; if set duration as0, the toast will always be visibleNumber3000-
positiondisplay positionStringcentertop/center/bottom
hasMaskwhether to show a transparent mask, which will prevent users from clickingBooleanfalse-

Toast.component Methods


Show toast


Hide toast

Toast.component Events


Toast show event


Toast hidden event